We invite applications for open research assistant, PhD and PostDoc positions at the University of Tübingen.
- Research Assistants: We are looking for research assistants with strong skills in python and/or strong knowledge in deep learning frameworks such as tensorflow.
- PhD positions: The applicant should have a degree (diploma or master) in computer science, mathematics or physics. The position requires a very strong background in mathematics in particular linear algebra, statistics, probability, and optimization and strong analytical skills. Programming experience in Python, C++ or MATLAB is required. Knowledge in a deep learning framework like tensorflow is a plus. A background in machine learning is appreciated but not absolutely necessary.
- PostDoc positions: You have a strong publication record in the top journals/conferences of either machine learning (NIPS, ICML, COLT, CVPR), statistics or optimization. Moreover, you have a very good background in mathematics.
Applications (CV, publication list) should be sent by email (single PDF) to:
General information about Tübingen
Tübingen is a nice middle-sized town with very high living quality. The university has a 500 years long tradition and an excellent reputation in research e.g. as one of eleven german universities it has been distinguished as ``excellent''. Moreover, Tübingen is a central hub for machine learning research in Europe with several groups at the university, the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, a Bosch industry-on-campus and an Amazon resarch lab, which are all part of the initiative ``Cyber Valley''.